Black Culture Couture: Pyer Moss — Couture 1
It took me a while to get it at first. I had to replay the show before the light bulb even began to warm up, but I was moved by the end of the second rewatch. Then, I went to the Pyer Moss Instagram to watch the stories and that’s when the full illumination occurred. A couture show—most likely, the first of its kind—highlighting and dedicated to Black culture, innovation and invention.
This collection, brands like Pyer Moss and artists like Kerby Jean-Raymond, is a big reason why I want to work in Fashion. I see us on the cusp of a new renaissance; not only in fashion but in art and media in general, and I want to be a part of it.
Thank you, Kerby Jean-Raymond and the people of Pyer Moss. Thank you, thank you, thank you!